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Founded in 1991, our company was institutionalized in 1994 and have received the ERPILIC Main Dealership 1997, Integrated Hindi Plant Turkey's leading in the coming years, which is the brand of BOLCA and natural and high-quality meat products NAMET taking Main Dealership has entered a phase of rapid growth with the principles and professional working system .

It has been a great success for us to provide our customers with quality service and products at all times and this achievement has been documented by quality certification by the International Certification Registrar.

In addition to the management-retail-storage building consisting of 650 sqm closed area, our company also operates in 500 sqm cold air storage. In the distribution network, it is serving with the principle of "just in time delivery" with our professional staff, with specially produced frigofric cooler vehicles operating at 0C, -18C range and carrying capacity of 40 tons per day.

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Operating in 150 thousand m² indoor area, Erpiliç integrated production plant's chicken slaughtering capacity is 330 thousand per day.

The plant with European standards has been given the advance-fixing certificate, allowing product export to the European Union. In addition, the plant has been awarded with ISO 9001-2000 Certificate, ISO 22000-2005 Certificate, TSE Certificate and the Gimdes Halal Food certificate. The company operates in cooperation with 1300 producer families under contract. Its fleet consists of 70 freezer trucks, 108 live animal transportation and 40 feed transportation vehicles. The company adds social and economic value with its young and qualified personnel consisting of 1900 people. It offers quality and flavor together thanks to its production structure at European standards.

Erpiliç, with capacity to generate 15% of the chicken production in Turkey, is one of the top 500 industrial corporations.

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Incubation eggs are transported to incubation house facilities in Bolu and Göynük with special egg carrying vehicles under hygienic conditions and biological production process begins. After selection process and disinfectation process of incubating eggs coming from breeding units, they are placed into incubation machines. All phases are adjusted and monitored electronically in computer controlled machines in Turkey's most modern plant.

Erpiliç has capacity of 80 million incubation eggs per year. 70 million of broiler chicks are produced in incubation units per year. After 21 days incubation phase, the chicks hatched from eggs are transferred to temporary growth coops after health controls performed by vets.

There are three pieces of incubation facilities in our company. These facilities are fully equipped with modern machinery.

Incubation facilities use cutting edge technology.

All stages of production are controlled by agricultural engineers and the veterinarians.

Each phase of hatchery production is done according to hygienic rules.

All productions are primarily in the forefront of people's health.

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Turkey Eggplant Kebab with Meat | Turkey Beans with Fresh Meat | Hindi Sac Tava | Turkey Roasting | Turkey Bleeding | Roast Turkey is Tan | Hindi Shepherd Roasted | Chedarl turkey paninis | Indian Curry Sauce Penne | Indian Chip Chip | Stewed Turkey Casserole | Hindi Sultan | Saute Butter with Curry Sauce | Hindi Okra | But Skewer turkey | Turkey drumsticks sauteed | Hindi But Tandır | Osso Bucco Tava | Turkey Adana Kebab | Bunny Turkey Baguette (Spinach with Bechamel Sauce) | Turkey Oven Buttons | Blinded Hindu Casserole | Hot Turkey Salad | Turkey Pizza | Turkey baguette barbecue | Turkey and Pasta Mushroom | Puree Hindi | Rice Casserole in Microwave Oven | Pasta with turkey pasta | Potatoed Apple with Butt Butter

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Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi A.S was founded by Serafettin Erbayram in 1980. Factory’s initial installed capacity was 5 ton/hour. In 1989, it has been built in a separate area by increasing the capacity to 20 ton/hour and still continues its manufacturing operations in that plant.

In 1990s, integrated companies started producing their own animal feed as a result of developments encountered in the poultry sector; therefore it became necessary to select a new business line that will go hand in hand with the animal feed factory. Our founder Serafetting Erbayram carried out surveys in foreign countries for a period of four years and, in 1995, he decided to found Bolca Hindi under the umbrella of Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi A.S. Bolca Hindi is the first Turkish company that produced white Turkey that is a specie from California.

Incubation units and hens of Ankara University’s Faculty of Veterinary were rented initially. The enterprise built its own incubation facility with a capacity of 1.800.000 turkeys in Bolu in 1999. Bolca Hindi has been institutionalized in time and obtained TS EN ISO 9001:2000 certificate in 2003, TS EN 14001 Environmental Management System and TS EN ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System certificates in 2008, Halal Certificate in 2011 and Good Agricultural Practices certificate in 2015. In addition, we have Food Production Certificates, Food Registration Certificate TSE Turkish Standards Compliance Certificate, TSE Certificate of Manufacturing Competence for all product groups. Increasing its capacity continuously, Bolca Hindi continues its operations in its new slaughterhouse built in 2006 with a capacity of 1.200 turkeys/hour using state-of-the-art technology introduced in Europe.

Bolca Hindi enjoys the pride of achieving well-deserved leading position in the sector as it is the first enterprise that breeds white turkey specie from California.

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Eggs that will be used for turkey breeding are imported from Canada and the United States. Eggs are collected from herds with Certificate of Origin and Health Certificate under maximum hygiene conditions and they do not pose any risk against human and animal health. Eggs are used in our incubation centre in Bolu and poults are obtained as a result of an incubation period of 28 days. Production in our incubation centre is carried out under the control of qualified veterinaries and agricultural engineers, all hygiene rules are applied and top quality turkey poults are produced. Poults are transferred to grow-out units under hygienic conditions upon completion of daily vaccination, beak trimming and gender separation process.

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In our incubation centre, after hatching, poults are processed by trimming their beaks and vaccinating and they are transferred to special indoor grow-out farm equipped with modern technology without separating the males and females. Bolca Hindi poults grown in special rings for a period of one week complete their grow-out period by the 6th week and the process for achieving the desired weight is initiated. Female and male turkeys become ready for slaughtering once they reach to 11 kg and 19-20 kg, respectively.

Bolca turkeys undergo weekly controls of in-house veterinaries of the plant who check their health and development, they are given special hygienic and healthy turkey feed prepared by using eight different formulas developed with the extensive know-how of Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi A.S. The entire life cycle in the farms, feeding patterns and vaccination programs are documented and slaughtering is permitted upon inspection of this system by the officers from the Ministry of Agriculture. Traceability is possible. Turkeys are transferred to modern Bolca Hindi slaughterhouses in trucks equipped with special cages.

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Bolca Hindi that started manufacturing operations in 1995 was founded as a result of long researches. Bolu Kalite Yem management was the first to recognize the lack of turkey meat in kitchens of the present day’s Turkey where diet patterns change rapidly and a decision was taken to produce this important source of nutrients. Surveys carried out in United States and Europe showed that Bolu offers the best natural and climate conditions and it was concluded that “Healthy Pink Turkey Meat” can be produced by using quality animal feed of Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi A.S. Bolca Hindi is a subsidiary of Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi A.S.

Consumption of turkey meat products increases rapidly all over the world in the recent period of 30 years. Factors acting as a motive to consume turkey meat are good taste, superior nutritional quality, high number of suitable cooking recipes and the most importantly, cost-effectiveness. Turkey meat consumption in Turkey increases substantially in the lead of BOLCA HINDI since 1995 and Bolca Hindi achieved the position of top turkey producer in the sector.

New, modern slaughterhouse of Bolca Hindi as commissioned in 2006 offering a capacity of 1200 turkeys/hour. New plant consists of slaughtering section, eviscerating, cooling and shocking units. Products are automatically transferred from one unit to another and cross-contamination is prevented by hanging each turkey separately during the cooling process.

Carcass temperature is reduced from 40°C to 16°C in 2 hours in order to ensure minimized absorption of water through the skin. In addition, the most recent steam defeathering system of Europe and United States is used in this modern slaughtering unit minimizing the water absorption rates and eliminating the cross-contamination. The new plant has been designed in Germany in accordance with the Europe Union standards in all aspects.

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Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi that was founded in 1979 is one of the leading organizations of the sector with its experiences accumulated over a period of 37 years, qualified employees, and quality and hygienic animal feed production. It is among the top ten companies with its production capacity of 50.000 ton/year in Turkey where there are 400 animal feed factories. Bolu Kalite Yem owes its outstanding performance to the importance attached to research and development. All developments in the food sector are monitored attentively. Local and foreign literature is screened to obtain current information. National and international seminars and information flow are monitored. Qualified veterinaries, agricultural and food engineers of Bolu Kalite Yem analyse information, perform laboratory and on-site tests and they obtain information shedding light to livestock breeding sector of Turkey.

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  • Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi is an enterprise that produced white turkey from California for the first time in Turkey.
  • Turkeys are given special, quality and hygienic feeds produced by Bolu Kalite Yem Sanayi utilizing its 37 years’ experience and using special mineral and vitamin mixes consisting of natural products such as maze, wheat, barley and soy.
  • Bolca Hindi focuses its operations entirely on turkey meat production and has qualified employees with special skills in this area.
  • Bolca Hindi is the first brand that introduced turkey meat and flavour in Turkish kitchens by offering them in special packaging trays.
  • Bolca turkeys are cost-effective and suitable for Turkish culinary culture. It has an extensive area of use.
  • Bolca Turkey is tasty. This soft meat is digested easily. It cooks in short time due to its rich protein content.
  • Current technology makes it possible to trace turkey meat bought from a supermarket along the entire supply chain starting from the brood stocks.
  • Bolca Hindi uses state-of-the-art machinery from Europe and production is carried out in the biggest and most modern slaughterhouse of our country.
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We use international operating and management approaches in our turkey meat production plant in order to meet the needs of our customers perfectly, measure and improve our performance regularly and meet all legal requirements on quality, food safety and environmental awareness.

“Quality, food safety and environment” are attached the utmost importance in the course of our operations carried out with the contribution of our employees and suppliers.

We add value to our country’s economy by minimizing the wastes generated by our environment-friendly plants equipped with the modern global technology, recycle and reuse them or dispose by using appropriate methods.

We always stand by our customers with our extensive marketing and distribution network extending throughout the country and our wide range of products, and we take power from the trust placed in us.

We provide trainings to our employees in order to improve their knowledge and skills on quality, environment and food safety and ensure that they always take pride in what they do and the enterprise they work for.

Our corporate culture is built on the principles of reliability, leadership, communication, innovation, development, training and teamwork.

We attach importance to research and development, we pursue the goal of becoming reliable partner of all stakeholders with our brand that represents reliability in the poultry meat market.

Süleyman ÖZTÜRK

General Manager

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In the "ERPİLİÇ" plants, where the consumer is in a healthy and balanced supply of nutrition, hygienic and Islamic rules are applied and the products are grouped as whole chicken, part products, delicatessen products, tanned products, offal and processed products. As Erpiliç; chicken, chicken, whole chicken, wholesale chicken, wholesale chicken, chicken pan, chicken nuget, chicken croquet, whole chicken, chicken salami, fried chicken, frozen chicken, Göynük Köfte, Turkey Erpilic our products serving as the main distributor.

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Plenty of Quality Feed Industry, California, is the first enterprise producing the white-haired breed turkey Turkey. The hindi are fed with special, high quality and hygienic feeds made up of vitamins and minerals mixed with natural products such as corn, wheat, barley and soy, which Bolu Quality Feed Industry has done from 1980 with daily feed experience. Hindi, full turkey, Istanbul dealers, turkey wholesale, turkeys retail, abundance, turkeys wholesale, smoked turkey breast, turkey breast, wholesale turkey breast, frozen turkey breast, Istanbul turkey, wholesale turkeys, turkey thigh, wholesale turkey ham, turkey butt, turkey wing, wholesale turkey wing, turkey wing, stony, liver, heart, turkey offal, abundant offal, leaf rotates, chest rotates, but rotates, wholesale rotates, istanbul rotates abundantly, leaf rotates, chest rotates but rotates wholesale rotary, rotary plenty Turkey istanbul are serving as the main distributor in abundance.

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The greatest secret of true taste is the fresh meat of Namet Farm. Our talented craftsmen combine special spices with Namet Farm's freshest meats. They will go and fetch every material from their country. They are produced in the healthiest environments, hygienic facilities. From the farm to the fork is healthy, safe and delicious. Red meat, wholesale meat, beef, lamb, frozen meat, delicatessen, frozen doner, istanbul wholesale meat, meat wholesale Marmara region, Turkey Namet wholesale delicatessen serving as the Main Stand.

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Genuine Taste from Farm to Fork: Namet

Irresistible taste…

Namet, the leader meat producer of Turkey  continues to make Namet Genuine Tastes with its consumers from generation to generation for 4 generations.

Namet which is at the top for years with its healthy and reliable products, in virtue of the importance it adds to hygiene, technology and taste, places itself among the first preferences of the consumers with its varieties over 150 from deli to fresh meat, from advanced processed products to frozen products. In the most advanced production facility in Turkey, Namet with its business understanding that brings the human health and the quality at the top, competes with itself to produce better.


Experience and competence growing for generations…

Namet, which is the most rapid growing company among 500 largest companies in Turkey, acquires Maret under the same roof and became the leader meat producer in Turkey. In virtue of the professional management of Kayar family which has been shaped with a leading vision and being executed with passion, Namet is taking firm steps towards being a leader in every field of meat.

Creater of Firsts…

Namet which offers product groups such as soujouk, roasting, salami, jambon, smoked sausage, roast beef; has brought firsts such as the pastrami without fenugreek, vaccumed packed pastrami to deli group. Namet which is leader in the sector in this field continues to develop new products to facilitate the daily life.

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The History Of Namet Farm

Since 2013, Şanlıurfa Integrated Livestock and Meat Plant operating within Namet is built on 740 thousand m2 open space. Availability capacity of breeding farm, is 25 thousand, annual breeding capacity is 50 thousands of bovine. Also within the scope of the plant there are  2 thousand 200 bovine capacity quarantine enterprises available at reasonable distances. The slaughterhouse of the plant has daily 2 thousand 500 ovine and 350 bovine slaughter capacity. The plant which is one of the few breeding farms of Turkey is the source of the taste of Namet’s products.

Life in Namet Farm

The adventure of genuine taste in Namet farm begins in the lush farm area. It is shaped expertly, prepared carefully for you at every step. Each step is continuing as planned and programmed by virtue of expert engineers, veterinarianss and staff in the field, and by using the latest technologies and in compliance  with the traditional rules,  Namet’s genuine tastes are  delivered to you from Farm to Fork.

Animal races with the highest level of quality of meat in the world and our country are grown in Namet Farm. Agricultural Engineers of Namet prepare to feed of the animals in100% natural way. The animals are kept under control by veterinary experts. Every day, thousands of fresh meat are loaded on refrigerated vehicles which are washed with special disinfectants and delivered towards the production facilities.

Races That Grow On The Farm Growing Races In The World

Feeding of Animals 

Fattening  is a feeding program is implemented specifically to enhance  the quality of the animals, taste  and yield. Namet Çiftliği'nde açık besi uygulanmaktadır. At  Namet farm open fattening is applied.. Through this method of feeding animals while performing feeding in their natural environment, delivery of the most natural, most delicious meat products are delivered to your tables. The purpose in fattening is having delicious meat as much as productivity. Autumn is the best season for fattening.

Fats in well-fed animals fats accumulate in the muscle tendons and makes the meat more delicious. Unique taste and aroma of the meat are caused by the fat. Feeds at the Namet farm are prepared by the Agricultural Engineers as nutritious, healthy, hundred percent natural.

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Kar Food; ERPİLİÇ | BOLCA Hindi | NAMET products are at your service as Sales and Distribution Master Dealer. | Halal chicken, turkey, wing, turkey products, wholesale, dealer, main dealer, turkey, nut, meat, halal, chicken, poultry, chicken sector, poultry, chicken sector, dry yolk, halal food, halal food certificate meat
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Dealer Wholesale and Retail Erpilic Istanbul. | Erpilic, chicken, chick, wholesale dealers, Istanbul, turkey, chicken wholesale, wholesale chicken, breaded chicken, chicken nuget, chicken croquettes, erpiliç, erpilic
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Bolca whole chicken wholesale and retail services. | full turkey, turkey, turkey wholesale, whole turkey, frozen turkey, Istanbul, wholesale
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| leg, turkey leg, Istanbul, wholesale turkey leg
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Bolca wholesale and retail service of whole and half turkey products. | Wholesale all turkey, wholesale half turkey, whole turkey, bolca whole turkey
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Bolca turkey wing products wholesale and retail services. | Turkey wings, wing, wholesale turkey wings,
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Bolca offal wholesale and retail services. | gizzard, liver, heart, turkey, chickens, Bolca
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Dealer Wholesale and Retail Erpilic Istanbul. | Erpilic, chicken, chick, wholesale dealers, Istanbul, turkey, chicken wholesale, wholesale chicken, breaded chicken, chicken nuget, chicken croquettes, erpiliç, erpilic
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Bolca turkey and turkey products wholesale and retail services. | turkey, whole turkeys, Istanbul dealers, turkey wholesale, retail turkey, bolca
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Bolca Advanced Processed Turkey Products | Leaves turn, chest turns, but turns, wholesale turns, istanbul turns abundantly
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Bolca Made Processed Turkey Products | Leaves turn, chest turns, but turns, wholesale turns, istanbul turns abundantly
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Bolca turkey salad in the kitchen, grill, burrito, food, etc. varieties of stew recipe | But, Chest, Processed Forward, Minced, Offal, Whole Turkey, Wing, turkey recipe, turkey cooking, turkey recipes
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