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Operating in 150 thousand m² indoor area, Erpiliç integrated production plant's chicken slaughtering capacity is 330 thousand per day.

The plant with European standards has been given the advance-fixing certificate, allowing product export to the European Union. In addition, the plant has been awarded with ISO 9001-2000 Certificate, ISO 22000-2005 Certificate, TSE Certificate and the Gimdes Halal Food certificate. The company operates in cooperation with 1300 producer families under contract. Its fleet consists of 70 freezer trucks, 108 live animal transportation and 40 feed transportation vehicles. The company adds social and economic value with its young and qualified personnel consisting of 1900 people. It offers quality and flavor together thanks to its production structure at European standards.

Erpiliç, with capacity to generate 15% of the chicken production in Turkey, is one of the top 500 industrial corporations.

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Development and health condition of the chicks during rearing, are periodically controlled by veterinarians and agricultural engineers in compliance with the EU standards in hatcheries, where they stay for 45 days.

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Following all of the abovementioned steps, initially slaughtering is done according to Islamic rules in the slaughterhouse. Slaughtered chicken is automatically processed in high technology machines.

Hens are transformed into carcass meat, cut in portions, packaged, labeled and taken into cold storage for aging purposes in the facility, which is inspected by in-house food engineers and veterinarians at every stage of the production process.

Göynük Slaughterhouse
Capacity of the Göynük Slaughterhouse is 10,000 chicken per hour and 150,000 chickens per day.
Our slaughterhouse operates on shift system. Slaughtering is performed in 2 shifts; whereas 1 shift is allocated for cleaning and disinfection activities. The most important and indispensable activities in the slaughterhouse are cleaning and hygiene.
Our slaughterhouse has been given the HACCP, TSE and ISO certificates, and has also received the European Union Advance-Fixing Certificate. Production phases are controlled by in-house engineers and veterinarians.
Our slaughterhouse consists of slaughtering, cutting, delicatessen, and further-processing product departments, where there is always a product for every unique taste.
Our slaughterhouse is a fully environmentally conscious facility where post-treatment water is used for agricultural and cleaning purposes.

Bolu Slaughterhouse
Capacity of the Bolu Slaughterhouse is 10,000 chicken per hour and 150,000 chickens per day.
Our slaughterhouse operates on shift system. Slaughtering is performed in 2 shifts, whereas 1 shift is allocated for cleaning and disinfection activities.
The most important and indispensable activities in the slaughterhouse are cleaning and hygiene.
Our slaughterhouse has been given the HACCP, TSE and ISO certificates, and has also received the European Union Advance-Fixing Certificate. Production phases are constantly controlled by in-house food engineers and veterinarians.
Our slaughterhouse consists of slaughtering and cutting departments.
Our slaughterhouse is a fully environmentally conscious facility where post-treatment water is used for agricultural and cleaning purposes.

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Incubation eggs are transported to incubation house facilities in Bolu and Göynük with special egg carrying vehicles under hygienic conditions and biological production process begins. After selection process and disinfectation process of incubating eggs coming from breeding units, they are placed into incubation machines. All phases are adjusted and monitored electronically in computer controlled machines in Turkey's most modern plant.

Erpiliç has capacity of 80 million incubation eggs per year. 70 million of broiler chicks are produced in incubation units per year. After 21 days incubation phase, the chicks hatched from eggs are transferred to temporary growth coops after health controls performed by vets.

There are three pieces of incubation facilities in our company. These facilities are fully equipped with modern machinery.

Incubation facilities use cutting edge technology.

All stages of production are controlled by agricultural engineers and the veterinarians.

Each phase of hatchery production is done according to hygienic rules.

All productions are primarily in the forefront of people's health.

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Quality raw materials are treated in special processes and sanitized. The raw materials are passed through airborne bacteria capturing filters and then feed is produced. Annual production capacity is 330 thousand tons.

Broiler chickens at desired live weights are inspected by Erpiliç veterinarians before and during slaughtering process. Slaughtering process is conducted in accordance with Islam rules. Chickens are automatically processed in high technology machines and then taken into chilled storages.

Salami, sausage, soudjouk, patty, burger and folded chicken products are produced using special seasonings and additives procured from leading companies worldwide, and offered to consumers with the touch of Erpiliç flavor.

Göynük Feed Factory: Our feed factory, consisting of 35,000 m² outdoor and 5,500 m² indoor areas, has 330,000 tons of mixed feed production capacity on annual basis. Göynük Feed Factory is made up of two units called breeding feed production unit and broiler feed production unit.

Bolu Feed Factory: Our feed factory, consisting of 60,000 m² outdoor and 4,500 m² indoor areas, has 220,000 tons of mixed feed production capacity on annual basis.

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Chickens are checked prior to slaughtering in compliance with the legislation in force and the norms of the European Union. When the chickens are brought to the slaughterhouse, their final check is performed by public veterinarians and in-house veterinarians. Upon approval of the veterinarians, the chickens are conveyed to the slaughtering section and the slaughtering process begins. The first phase is the live chicken reception unit. Vehicle carrying the chicken to be slaughtered approach the live chicken reception platform by receiving required information. Plastic crates full of chicken are automatically unloaded from the vehicle and placed on the operating band conveyor. Workers take the chickens from the crates and hang on the carousel. Empty plastic crates and the vehicle are washed and disinfected. The crates are loaded on the vehicles, which leave the slaughterhouse in order to be prepared for the same process in the following slaughtering day.In the meantime, the chickens hanged in shackles are hand-cut by the experienced and trained butchers according to Islamic rites. After that, blood is drained out of the carcass and then scalding process takes place in feather softening tank where chickens are prepared for defeathering. Subsequently, head is removed from the body and the headless carcass transferred to the evisceration line. During transfer process, feet of the chicken are cut using feet cutting machine.

Chickens are conveyed into the evisceration machine, and stomach area of the chicken is perforated. Evisceration machine completely removes internal organs of the chicken which come to the machine. The internal organs continue on the line towards the giblet separation machine, in which intestines and gall bladder are separated. Automation process continues in the subsequent stages. Chickens without internal organs are entered into the throat control machine where maws are removed and the chickens are passed to neck breaking machine. Chickens' necks are removed by the machine. Following removal of the necks, neck skins on the chickens are cut by a machine; and then the chickens are taken into the machine for complete washing including inside and out side. The machine washes inside and outside of the chickens using pressurized spray water. The chickens which are washed are sent to air chilling unit for chilling purposes.

Since air chilling process is employed in our plant, microbiological criteria are fully satisfied and the best flavor is achieved. Air cooling units consist of 5 sections containing 3,500 meter long three storey conveyor lines. The chickens enter the air cooling units at 36 degrees temperature and are cooled down to maximum four degrees in the center as they leave the units. The chicken stay in the air chilling units for about 2.5 hours.

The chickens which come out of the air chilling unit are passed to an automatic transfer machine equipped with a scale, where they are both weighed and transferred to the determination unit. The chickens which are weighed pass through the quality classification station and then fall into grammaging sections in accordance with the weight ranges and the qualities determined in the computer. The chickens which fall into the pans are first bagged and then packaged as whole carcass and sent to the stockroom. The chickens to be chopped do not fall into the pans and continue their way hanging on the conveyor. Then they are transferred to the cutting line via automatic transfer machine, and are delivered to the cutting modules based on the products to be produced. Pieces of the chopped chickens are separated into their respective sections, controlled for one last time, packaged and quickly taken to cold storage rooms.

Certain portion of the products produced at the cutting department is send to delicatessen units for further processing. In the further processing pre-preparation department, raw materials are transformed into mixtures in accordance with the product formulations. This mixture is shaped in automatic machines using the moulds designed for that particular product, and then conveyed to cooking department following liquid and dry coating. Cooking stage is a computer controlled process divided into two phases: fry cooking and steam cooking. Fully cooked products are taken into multi-storey freezer with -40°C ambient temperature, and internal temperature of the product is brought to -18°C. The product is then packaged and stored in deep-freezes until shipment. Delicatessen production consists of pre-preparation, cooking and packaging phases. Mixture prepared in the pre-preparation department in accordance with the product formulation are automatically filled by filling machines, taken to cooking carts and cooked in ovens under computerized control system. The products are first taken into resting units and then packaged and stored in cool storages until shipment. The storage consists of two sections called fresh and frozen. The products are monitored under computerized environment based on first-in-first-out principle. The products in the storages are shipped to the dealers by freezer trucks, which are washed and disinfected.

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6 Erpiliç Chicken Drumsticks
1 Carrot, cut in medium size cubes
8 Pickled gherkins
1 Medium size onion, fine cut or shredded
1 teaspoon of Salt
Half a teaspoon of Curry
Half a teaspoon of Cumin
Half a teaspoon of Red pepper
1.5 glass of Hot water
Parsley, preferably fine cut
2 teaspoons of Olive oil
Cut the Erpiliç Chicken Drumsticks, carrot, onions and pickled gherkins in finger shapes. Sauté the Erpiliç Chicken Drumsticks, carrot, onions, olive oil and the seasonings in a large container. Add the pickled gherkins and continue sautéing. Finally add hot water.  You can add parsley depending on your preference. Serve the dish hot.
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6 Erpiliç Chicken Drumsticks
10 Pearl onions
1 Carrot
3 Potatoes
10 Brussels sprouts
5 cloves of Garlic
Olive oil
Flaked red pepper
Black pepper
1 tea glass of Milk
Coat the Erpiliç Drumsticks with salt, flaked red pepper, oregano and olive oil. Peel the potatoes and cut in cubic shapes. Peel the carrot and cut into four in thin long pieces. Add all other vegetables in the stew pan where the Erpiliç Drumsticks are, mix it all. Fill the mixture in a roasting bag and cook it in the oven for 40 minutes.
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1 tea glass of Chickpeas
4 artichoke Cores
2 pieces of Erpiliç Schnitzel
1 tea glass of Cream
100 gram Shredded kashar cheese
Sufficient quantity of Powdered red pepper
1 clove of Garlic
4 -5 drops of Lemon juice
1 Egg yolk
Olive oil
Black pepper
Shred nutmeg on Erpiliç Schnitzels and sauté on a hot pan. Add the boiled chickpeas and continue sautéing. Complete this process by adding one pinch of salt. Add the olive oil, crushed garlic, lemon juice and the black pepper, and mix it all. In another container, mix the cream, egg yolk and shredded kashar cheese. Put the mixture with chickpeas and Erpiliç on the core of the artichoke then top everything with the kashar cheese mixture. Cook it in a 180 pre-heated oven until the top part is roasted.  This may take about 30 minutes. Sprinkle some powdered red pepper before serving.
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1 Erpiliç Chicken Breast
1 small handful of Rosemary
1 small handful of Basil
1 small handful of fresh mint Fresh Mint
1 small handful of Pearl onion
Half a tea glass of Bread crumbs
2 tablespoon of Olive oil
For stuffing vegetable:
1 Carrot Red beet (wrapped in aluminum folio and roasted in oven)
1 Carrot
Half a potato
1 table spoon of Olive oil
Powdered red pepper and other seasonings depending on the taste
Salt and black pepper
Cut open the Erpiliç Chicken Breast using a fillet knife. Mix the thin sliced fresh rosemary, basil, mint, onion, vegetable, seasonings, bread crumbs, olive oil, salt and black pepper. Put some of this mixture on the middle of the chicken and wrap in roll shape. Wrap it first in stretch film and then aluminum folio, and blanch it in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Cut the red beet, potatoes and carrot in equal pieces, and then blanch them in boiling water in another stew pan. Sauté it adding olive oil, salt and black pepper. Slice the cooked Erpiliç Chicken Stuffing and serve with vegetables.
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750 gram Erpiliç Chicken Breast
2 Eggplants
2 Tomatoes
2 Long green peppers
2-3 Onions
4-5 piece Cloves of garlic
Black pepper
Red pepper
Fresh oregano
Peel the skins of all vegetables. Cut them into small pieces and then put in a stew pot. Add the Erpiliç Chicken Breast cut in small cubic pieces into the stew pot. Then add salt, black pepper and red pepper. Cover it with an aluminum folio. Cook it in the oven for 40 minutes. Decorate with fresh oregano and serve.
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8 Erpiliç Chicken Shish
For side dish:
4 eggplants – roasted and skins are peeled
Half a coffee cup of sesame oil
40 grams shredded kashar cheese
1 table spoon of butter
Half a coffee cup of sunflower seed oil
4 water glasses of milk
1 coffee cup of cream
1 table spoon flour
Sufficient salt
For decoration:
A rosemary branch
Cook Erpiliç Chicken Shish pieces on butter in a hot pan.
For side dish: Roast the eggplants. Cut them in very thin strips. Put the milk in a saucepan on a cooker. Roast the flour with the oil for side dish in another saucepan. When the flour gets golden color, add milk and stir. Cook the mixture at a low heat while it becomes thick. Add the eggplants. Add salt, kashar cheese and cream and stir it all. Take if off the  cooker, add the sesame seed oil and stir one last time. Serve the Erpiliç Chicken Shish together with the side dish.
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5 Potatoes
1 Green apple
2 cloves of Garlic
4 pieces of Erpiliç Chicken Breast
1 water glass of Erpiliç Chicken Broth
5 table spoons of Cream
1 table spoon of Lemon juice
Quarter of a bundle Parsley
Quarter of a bundle Garden rocket
4 Fresh onions
Black pepper
For the sauce:
Whip thoroughly mayonnaise, cream, salt, lemon juice and black pepper in a bowl
For decoration:
Quarter of a carrot
3 pickled Gherkin
Peel the skin of the potatoes and cut them in cubic shapes. Do not cut the potatoes in too small pieces, otherwise they are hardened. Put the potatoes in a stew pan, add some salt, one glass of Erpiliç Chicken Broth and water until the level of juice in the pan just passes the ingredients. Boil everything for 10 minutes. You can extend the period depending on the size of the potatoes. Cut the scallions in small pieces. Shred the carrots and the apples. Chop up the garden rockets and mix with the mayonnaise. Cut the garlic and pickled gherkins in very small pieces. Drain the boiled potatoes and put them in a container, pour the mixture you prepared on the potatoes and mix it all. You can shred the apple last if you do not want it color to turn black. Pour the sauce on top. Add the Erpiliç Chicken Breast, which was boiled in another stew pan, and run the kitchen robot until the mixture becomes puree. Decorate with shredded carrot and pickled gherkins before serving.
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Half kg chicken (boiled beef)

4 cups chicken broth
2 cups water
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 cloves garlic
red pepper

Preparation of chicken soup recipe We havoc Stir in flour until after 2 minutes, add a little oil into our pots. Later, mint, tomato paste and red pepper flakes, stir well, we confuse a further 2 minutes. Boiled and shredded chicken flesh, we add the garlic and salt. Add water, cook them in chicken broth and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy your meal…

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In the "ERPİLİÇ" plants, where the consumer is in a healthy and balanced supply of nutrition, hygienic and Islamic rules are applied and the products are grouped as whole chicken, part products, delicatessen products, tanned products, offal and processed products. As Erpiliç; chicken, chicken, whole chicken, wholesale chicken, wholesale chicken, chicken pan, chicken nuget, chicken croquet, whole chicken, chicken salami, fried chicken, frozen chicken, Göynük Köfte, Turkey Erpilic our products serving as the main distributor.

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Aiming at to become one of the leading poultry producers worldwide by offering only the best quality products to consumers, Erpiliç began its production process with 200 chicks in 1969 and continued its operations from 1991 through 1994 under Er Civciv Inc. Subsequently, in 1995, the first steps of the integration were taken with establishment of ERYEM SAN. ve TİC. LTD. ŞTİ., a feed company. Currently, Erpiliç trades with a strong workforce of 1800 employees, 1300 producers and 70 dealers

Following 16% growth in 2007, Erpiliç made additional machinery investments to its slaughterhouse with 16,000/hour and 240,000/day capacity to increase it up to 22,000/hour and 330,000/day in 2008. Additionally, Erpiliç has divided its advanced processing section into two as delicatessen and processed food businesses. The Company working as a team always produces unique and new products and greatly contributes to the domestic economy.

Our production plant has been certified with HACCP Food Safety Certification in addition to ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System Certificate, ISO 22000-2005 Food Safety System Certificate, compliance certificates with TSE Standards and the Export Advance-Fixing Certificates

Company, attaching utmost emphasis on development of new products, has placed on the market the assortments of processed chicken pane, chicken nugget and chicken croquette in line with its efforts to grow and develop its market. As a matter of company principle, only the state-of-arts technologies have been employed in this facility.

ERPİLİÇ desires that its consumers eat healthy and balanced diet products, and hence the meat chickens are slaughtered under extreme hygienic conditions and in accordance with Islam rules at its facilities, and it offers uncut whole chicken, chicken meat portions, delicatessen assortments, packed chicken products, giblets and processed chicken products.

Erpiliç never gives up on its high quality approach, and thus, regularly invests on technology and human resources; and as a result carries on its business activities while increasing its market share coupled with a consistent growth trend.

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Whole Chicken
Tabaklı ve Kutulu Ürünler
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Chicken Parts
Tabaklı ve Kutulu Ürünler
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Deli Chicken
Tabaklı ve Kutulu Ürünler
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Chicken Offal
Tabaklı ve Kutulu Ürünler
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Sauced Chicken Parts
Tabaklı ve Kutulu Ürünler
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Dealer Wholesale and Retail Erpilic Istanbul. | Erpilic, chicken, chick, wholesale dealers, Istanbul, turkey, chicken wholesale, wholesale chicken, breaded chicken, chicken nuget, chicken croquettes, erpiliç, erpilic
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Erpilic whole chicken wholesale and retail services. | chick, chicken, wholesale chickens, whole chicken, frozen chicken, Istanbul, wholesale
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Erpilic piece of chicken products | Baguette, winding, Chops, Taleks, Grilled Skewer, Sticks, shin, tenderloin, chops, cubed
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Erpilic wholesale and retail Poultry Products | salami, buffet, sausage, chicken sausage, burger, ham, sausage, returns
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Erpilic Processed Chicken Products | Kadınbudu meatballs, meatballs, Cordon Bleu, Goynuk Meatballs,
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Erpilic offal wholesale and retail services. | gizzard, liver, heart, chicken, chickens
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Erpilic sauce chicken products wholesale and retail services. | sauce chicken, sauce, chicken, returns, sauce, wing, thigh,
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Bolca whole chicken wholesale and retail services. | full turkey, turkey, turkey wholesale, whole turkey, frozen turkey, Istanbul, wholesale
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Bolca offal wholesale and retail services. | gizzard, liver, heart, turkey, chickens, Bolca
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Dealer Wholesale and Retail Erpilic Istanbul. | Erpilic, chicken, chick, wholesale dealers, Istanbul, turkey, chicken wholesale, wholesale chicken, breaded chicken, chicken nuget, chicken croquettes, erpiliç, erpilic
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Not every Chicken Erpilic. |
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