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Chickens are checked prior to slaughtering in compliance with the legislation in force and the norms of the European Union. When the chickens are brought to the slaughterhouse, their final check is performed by public veterinarians and in-house veterinarians. Upon approval of the veterinarians, the chickens are conveyed to the slaughtering section and the slaughtering process begins. The first phase is the live chicken reception unit. Vehicle carrying the chicken to be slaughtered approach the live chicken reception platform by receiving required information. Plastic crates full of chicken are automatically unloaded from the vehicle and placed on the operating band conveyor. Workers take the chickens from the crates and hang on the carousel. Empty plastic crates and the vehicle are washed and disinfected. The crates are loaded on the vehicles, which leave the slaughterhouse in order to be prepared for the same process in the following slaughtering day.In the meantime, the chickens hanged in shackles are hand-cut by the experienced and trained butchers according to Islamic rites. After that, blood is drained out of the carcass and then scalding process takes place in feather softening tank where chickens are prepared for defeathering. Subsequently, head is removed from the body and the headless carcass transferred to the evisceration line. During transfer process, feet of the chicken are cut using feet cutting machine.

Chickens are conveyed into the evisceration machine, and stomach area of the chicken is perforated. Evisceration machine completely removes internal organs of the chicken which come to the machine. The internal organs continue on the line towards the giblet separation machine, in which intestines and gall bladder are separated. Automation process continues in the subsequent stages. Chickens without internal organs are entered into the throat control machine where maws are removed and the chickens are passed to neck breaking machine. Chickens' necks are removed by the machine. Following removal of the necks, neck skins on the chickens are cut by a machine; and then the chickens are taken into the machine for complete washing including inside and out side. The machine washes inside and outside of the chickens using pressurized spray water. The chickens which are washed are sent to air chilling unit for chilling purposes.

Since air chilling process is employed in our plant, microbiological criteria are fully satisfied and the best flavor is achieved. Air cooling units consist of 5 sections containing 3,500 meter long three storey conveyor lines. The chickens enter the air cooling units at 36 degrees temperature and are cooled down to maximum four degrees in the center as they leave the units. The chicken stay in the air chilling units for about 2.5 hours.

The chickens which come out of the air chilling unit are passed to an automatic transfer machine equipped with a scale, where they are both weighed and transferred to the determination unit. The chickens which are weighed pass through the quality classification station and then fall into grammaging sections in accordance with the weight ranges and the qualities determined in the computer. The chickens which fall into the pans are first bagged and then packaged as whole carcass and sent to the stockroom. The chickens to be chopped do not fall into the pans and continue their way hanging on the conveyor. Then they are transferred to the cutting line via automatic transfer machine, and are delivered to the cutting modules based on the products to be produced. Pieces of the chopped chickens are separated into their respective sections, controlled for one last time, packaged and quickly taken to cold storage rooms.

Certain portion of the products produced at the cutting department is send to delicatessen units for further processing. In the further processing pre-preparation department, raw materials are transformed into mixtures in accordance with the product formulations. This mixture is shaped in automatic machines using the moulds designed for that particular product, and then conveyed to cooking department following liquid and dry coating. Cooking stage is a computer controlled process divided into two phases: fry cooking and steam cooking. Fully cooked products are taken into multi-storey freezer with -40°C ambient temperature, and internal temperature of the product is brought to -18°C. The product is then packaged and stored in deep-freezes until shipment. Delicatessen production consists of pre-preparation, cooking and packaging phases. Mixture prepared in the pre-preparation department in accordance with the product formulation are automatically filled by filling machines, taken to cooking carts and cooked in ovens under computerized control system. The products are first taken into resting units and then packaged and stored in cool storages until shipment. The storage consists of two sections called fresh and frozen. The products are monitored under computerized environment based on first-in-first-out principle. The products in the storages are shipped to the dealers by freezer trucks, which are washed and disinfected.

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Slaughter in Namet is performed by trained specialist butchers on half hanger.The meat rests for 24 hours after slaughter. team of veterinarians, engineers and food technologists are present at the slaughter points for control.


To have quality meat, animal should not be under the stress prior to slaughter. Shipping is among the main reasons that affect animals before slaughter. As shipping is a long, weather conditions during shipping, intermingling of foreign animals, fasting are reasons for distressing and fear. In slaughter places, to keep the water in front of the animal,  the behavior of workers and resting 5 hours before the slaughter of meat to be qualified in terms of every feature (color, texture, softness) will be beneficial. In Namet farm, before and after slaughter are done in accordance with all regulations. Thus the the taste of meat of animals slaughtered by experts remains.


Carcass temperature is 37° after slaughtered. It is expected to drop to 10°-12°, 37°, 25°degrees. Then, at 0°, they are taken to pre-cooling half carcasses storehouses. Temperature should drop at meat processing and breaking stage and temperature  is expected to fall to 2-4 ° in 24 hours.

Namet through cooling system with advanced technology also provides a high degree of hygiene. It acts in cold chain during  resting, processing, cutting, transportation and sale of the meat after slaughter.

From the cleaning of cold storages to the cleaning of vehicles used for the transport and to internal and external sections, it fulfills all hygiene requirements. Namet, at every stage of cooling, adds to the flavor of the meat with its specialist staff working with great care.

Cooling rooms and transport vehicles are tracked automatically by the computer system and are recorded instantly.


Hygiene for Namet come as one of the most important elements and therefore the production facilities have been constructed in accordance with the most hygienic conditions. Walls, ceilings, cooling fans, water pipes and electric cables are made using stainless steel materials. Every day, production section is cleaned by a specialized international cleaning company at the end of the day, every week samples taken from manufacture and equipment are controlled.

Filtered air coming from Hepa filter constitutes a sterile environment. Namet attaching importance training of staff, gives training to its staff  while they begin work and repeats the hygiene training every year. Staff at the first stage when entering the facility wash their hands with soap and warm water, dry their hands with drying towels.


In the second stage, in 6 meters long completely closed disinfection unit, there is a boot washing and hand disinfection system. Shoes are disinfected by scrubbing system, hand disinfection is done by inserting hans to a double-point turn. At the end of this process turn opens automatically and manufacture starts.


By taking samples from the hands of the employees microbiological controls are performed . Employees during breaking step, use steel vests, steel gloves, shoes suitable for food use.

Namet, using the latest technology in hygiene keeps the flavor at every stage. It acts in cold chain during  resting, processing, cutting, transportation and sale of the meat after slaughter.


Products prepared are directed to packaging or manufacture with e2 boxes. for the production or manufacture of packaging products. These boxes are washable according to national standards. At the packaging stage, the meat is filled, into bags according to shrink system, vacuumed, pasteurization is done, dried, packaged, and prepared for shipment with 0 degrees packs. Meat to be used in the manufacture are shocked fresh or shocked shock units and forwarded to -40 and kept ready for use of next day.

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Erpilic piece of chicken products | Baguette, winding, Chops, Taleks, Grilled Skewer, Sticks, shin, tenderloin, chops, cubed
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